Construction Ambassadors
Apply to become a Construction Ambassador
Thank you for your interest in becoming a Construction Ambassador. You’ll find everything you need to know here.
The CITB NI Construction Ambassador programme is to help promote career opportunities within the industry and interact with potential new entrants. Construction Ambassadors are a regional network of people who already work in the industry covering all trades and professions, who give a real life perspective of the industry by visiting schools and attending careers events giving first-hand information on what it is like to work in construction.
Who are Construction Ambassadors?
A Construction Ambassador can come from any construction background, although they should have at least two years’ experience of training or employment and be based in Northern Ireland. The only thing that is important is that they can motivate people and help them see the opportunities that a career in construction can offer. Potential Construction Ambassadors should be eager and enthusiastic to represent their employer and the industry.
What does a Construction Ambassador do?
Construction Ambassadors are the faces of the industry, sharing positive experiences with new entrants who are considering construction as a career. A Construction Ambassador enhances the link between education and employment and are able to inspire, enthuse and inform potential new entrants and their key influencers about the built environment and the opportunities a career in construction may bring.
Construction Ambassadors are required
to attend a minimum of one and a maximum of four careers events per year. These will be arranged by CITB NI and vary from attending careers events, delivering talks and presentations, providing site visits and activity days.
CITB NI will provide you with supporting careers information, publications and collateral for events.
Your employer may also ask you to get involved at events to promote the construction industry as part of your corporate social responsibility.
Do I get paid?
As of 1st March 2020, CITBNI will provide a contribution to your time, travel and related expenses as follows:
£100 per half day event (less than or equal to 4 hours)
£200 per full day event (more than 4 hours)
Irrespective of the number of events attended, the maximum fees paid in a year will be £800.
What are the benefits for employers?
The programme will assist an employer’s strategy for corporate social responsibility, based around engagement with education and is a vehicle for encouraging participation in construction apprenticeship programmes and on third level built environment courses.
If you would like to be a Construction Ambassador contact for further information and to register your interest.